The Partnership

The project involves an appropriate mix of participating organisations in terms of profile, past experience in the Programme and expertise to successfully complete all project objectives.
In particular, the project Consortium is comprised of 6 partners from 5 EU countries which are:

The project involves an appropriate mix of participating organisations in terms of profile, past experience in the Programme and expertise to successfully complete all project objectives.
In particular, the project Consortium is comprised of 6 partners from 5 EU countries which are:


is one of the oldest Italian consumer organisations. It can count on consolidated structured and permanent relationships with Italian governmental administrations and authorities, competent to judge on matters of unfair commercial practices and cases in which a dual quality event can be considered misleading for consumers.
Assoutenti is one of the founders of the Consumers’ forum, an independent association that includes the most important consumer associations, numerous industrial and service companies, trade associations, public institutions for the creation of discussion tables, research and training on the fairness of markets and for the development, promotion and dissemination of an aware and responsible consumer culture with the technical-scientific contribution of the university world and research.


Bulgarian National Association Active Consumers (Bulgaria) is an independent non-governmental organization for the protection of consumer interests. It was founded in 1998.

The main aims of the organization are to protect consumers’ rights and interests by:

Providing information that supports consumers’ choices in the market;

Giving assistance to consumers – consultation and legal assistance;

Lobbying for the improvement of the legislation, and representing consumers’ interests.

BNAAC’s main topics includes general consumer rights, financial services, consumer contracts and access to justice, food safety and marketing, product safety, sustainable consumption, energy efficiency, and the internet (SPAM, security, children safety, personal data protection).

The activities which the organization performs include providing information to consumers (weekly newsletter, informative brochures and books, website) and through general media (press conferences, press releases, interviews, articles etc); Comparative testing and research of consumer products; consumer advice centers and workshops; campaigning; lobbying and advocacy, participation in various consultative committees, out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes; providing consumer education for consumers and SMEs.

BNAAC is a full member of international consumer networks, including:

Consumers International

BEUC – The European Consumer Organization

ANEC – the European consumer voice in standardization

TACD – Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue

ICRT – International Consumer Research and Testing

BNAAC has over two decades of experience in providing advice for experts and stakeholders in the field of consumer protection, sustainable development and sustainable energy. It has also built experience in implementation of comparative researches and tests of products and services.

The association has been active in campaigning and informing consumers on wide variety of topics through publications in the mass media and own media channels.


The Center for Promoting Lifelong Learning – CPIP (Romania)

The Center for Promoting Lifelong Learning – CPIP (Romania) is a non-governmental, non-profit institution dedicated to the development of lifelong learning ecosystems in local and professional communities.

Since 2005, the CPIP has been active in the educational and social field and promotes the culture of “lifelong learning” through the active involvement of community members in developing a coherent implementation strategy of the concept and practice of lifelong learning. The CPIP develops national and international projects on various social and educational topics, working in multicultural contexts with partners from all-over Europe.

The CPIP team has been actively involved in the latest policy recommendation on the digital divide and democratization of digital access.

Creative Thinking Development – CreThiDev (Greece)

Creative Thinking Development – CreThiDev (Greece)  is a non-profit company, established in 2012, in Athens, Greece.  The company focuses on research, as well as development of studies and action plans mainly in the fields of life-long learning, culture, health and wellbeing, sports, human rights, equality, social inclusion, environmental protection and sustainable development, technology and innovation as well as employment and local development.  

Through the exchange of knowledge and expertise, research and training collaborative projects and cooperation with universities, companies, public authorities, and training centers, we seek to create a knowledge repository and facilitate the networking and cooperation efforts among authorities, organizations, business associations, on a local, regional, national, European, and international level.  


CROMO FOUNDATION (Hungary) was established in 2002 in order to contribute to the local and regional cooperation of non-governmental, business and governmental actors and thus to strengthen a participatory, active and democratic society in Hungary and Europe. We wish to see local organizations well-managed and effective; local citizens active and committed to participation; local communities vibrant and sustainable; society inclusive and tolerant. The core values of our organization are credibility, accountability, professionalism and innovation. We believe in active citizenship and local democracy as well as empowering youth to mobilize their energy for the countries they live in.

ISES (Italy)

ISES – Istituto Europeo per lo Sviluppo Socio Economico (Italy) was founded in 2008 as non-profit organization to spread European culture in Italy and to get closer public agencies, businesses and the third sector to the EU institutions through the development of funded projects following their whole bureaucratic, administrative and managerial path in accordance with the rules laid down by the European Commission. In particular, ISES cooperates since 2009 with different associations for sports promotion to implement projects at regional and national level.

ISES has long experience in managing EU projects and managing communication and dissemination activities. It has been the responsible for the communication in all its projects developing the project communication strategy, tools and materials.

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